Greetings from TEDx Margao!
Our Countdown event on 29th Dec. was a resounding success, embraced by an appreciative audience. This hybrid gathering featured two live speakers and six captivating videos from the recent Detroit COUNTDOWN.
Following the enlightening talks, the eco-friendly ‘MANDOVI’ band, with bamboo instruments, added a unique musical touch. Architect and Social Activist Tallulah D’Silva explored Architecture, Activism, and advocacy, while Social Entrepreneur Deepa Subramanium delved into Promoting Conscious Consumption. Audience engagement followed, enhancing the experience.
Curated videos featured insightful perspectives from Jim Whitaker, Jessica Whitaker Allen, Melati Wijsen, Vandana Singh, and Al. Gore.
Stay tuned for uploaded presentations, and let’s anticipate an even grander COUNTDOWN in 2024!